Everything River does is for the Doctor--that's her flaw. I mean, spoilers, but she suspends her animation for him, like she tells Amy: you don't grow old, you don't change... All that we see of River is her around the Doctor. She's very deep and not every word that comes out of her mouth is her sparkling, to some people irritating, personality. She's brilliant, but not in a natural kind of way, more in a professor kind of way. Being the greatest love of the Doctor has made her an old soul. Anyone who hates River needs to think more closely about her motivations.
Everything River does is for the Doctor--that's her flaw. I mean, spoilers, but she suspends her animation for him, like she tells Amy: you don't grow old, you don't change... All that we see of River is her around the Doctor. She's very deep and not every word that comes out of her mouth is her sparkling, to some people irritating, personality. She's brilliant, but not in a natural kind of way, more in a professor kind of way. Being the greatest love of the Doctor has made her an old soul. Anyone who hates River needs to think more closely about her motivations.